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The Marian Movement of Priests is a fraternity of faithful who have chosen to consecrate their lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  MMP is the continuation of the messages from our Lady at Fatima. MMP was founded by Fr. Stefano Gobbi as a request from our Lady to be strongly united to the Pope and to the Church united with him, and to bring the faithful into the secure refuge of her motherly Heart.  MMP participants pray together in spiritual gatherings called cenacles.  We welcome everyone to join the movement regardless of their faith or denomination. 


MMP Canada is under the spiritual guidance of our National Director,

Fr. Francis Geremia C.S., and International MSM-MMP Director., 

Fr. Luca Pescatori.


To join MMP Canada, click on the JOIN MMP tab on the header menu.


On May 8, 1972, Fr. Don Stefano Gobbi was taking part in a pilgrimage to Fatima and was praying in the little Chapel of the Apparitions for some priests who, besides having personally given up their vocations, were attempting to form themselves into associations in rebellion against the Church's authority.


An interior force urged him to have confidence in the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Our Lady, making use of him as a poor and humble instrument, would gather all those priests who would accept her invitation to consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart, to be strongly united to the Pope and to the Church united with him, and to bring the faithful into the secure refuge of her motherly Heart. 


Thus a powerful cohort would be formed, spread throughout every part of the world and gathered together, not with human means of propaganda but with the supernatural power which springs from silence, from prayer, from suffering and from constant faithfulness to one's duties. 


Fr. Gobbi asked Our Lady interiorly for a little sign of confirmation.  She gave it to him promptly, before the end of that same month, at the Shrine of the Annunciation in Nazareth. 


The origin of the Marian Movement of Priests stems from this simple and interior inspiration which Fr. Gobbi received in prayer at Fatima. 


Today, the Movement is spread across many parts of the world including North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Oceania. 





Starting in July 1973, Fr. Gobbi began to note down some limpid an strong thoughts which sprang up in his soul.  In obedience to his spiritual director, he undertook to gather them together in a little book, which numbered but a few pages, and thus he managed to prepare the first edition which was presented at a gethering of priests of the Movement in September of that same year.  Its reception was rather negative on that occasion. 


The hesitation was however gradually overcome by a great and ever-increasing acceptance of the book on the part of priests, religious and faithful and by being translated into other languages.


Everyone became aware, at first with a certain amount of surprise and then with a profound joy of soul, that it was a very small and limited means, but one chosen by Our Lady, for the spread of the Movement throughout every part of the world.  The book in fact is an instrument, humanly speaking quite limited, of which our heavenly Mother has willed to make use in order to draw to herself priests and the faithful entrusted to their care.  Once attracted to her motherly Heart, priests and faithful will be brought by her into the intimacy of the Heart of Jesus, to live in the heart of the Church, his Mystical Body.


There are 604 messages in the Blue Book and they span over 24 years of Fr. Gobbi's life.  Last recorded interior locution in the book from Our Lady to Fr. Gobbi was on December 31, 1997.


To order a copy of the Blue Book, click +here+




“Of the faithful, who are supporters of my Movement, I (Our Lady) ask: 



That they consecrate themselves in a special way to my Immaculate Heart, without being concerned for external or juridical bonds, but only for giving themselves completely to me, so that I may dispose freely of their whole being and arrange their whole life according to my plans… They must let themselves be led by me, like little children. They must begin again to pray more, to love Jesus more, to adore Him more in the mystery of the Eucharist, so that He becomes the sun which illuminates their whole life. What joy and what a gift of love will Jesus in the Eucharist communicate to these faithful who are consecrated to me! Let them recite the holy rosary every day so as to hasten my great return.”



“That they be faithful to the Pope and to the Church united with him, by a total obedience to his commands, anticipating and seconding his desires, spreading his teachings, defending him from every attack, ready to fight even to the shedding of their blood in order to remain united to him and faithful to the Gospel… There will soon come a time when only those who are with the Pope will succeed in keeping the faith of my Son and being preserved from the great apostasy that will be spread everywhere.” (25: l-m, 1973)



That they must observe the commandments of God and carry out everything that my Son Jesus has taught so that they may be his true disciples. Thus they will be a good example to all… Let them be just that, especially by an austere manner of life, by repudiating styles which are ever increasingly provocative and indecent, by opposing in every way possible the spread of immoral literature and entertainment and this continual flooding from a sea of filth that is submerging everything… Let them be a good example to all by their purity, their sobriety and their modesty… Let them flee all those places where the sacred character of their person is defiled. Let them form about the priests my faithful cohort, my great ‘White Army.’ Through them my light will once again shine in the midst of the great darkness, and my immaculate whiteness in the midst of so much corruption of death… These faithful children of mine will be called by me and formed for this great task: to prepare this world for the great purification which awaits it, so that at last a new world may be born, completely renewed by the light and the love of my Son Jesus, who will reign over all.” (25: h-r, 1973)

Click here for details of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of Fr. Stefano Gobbi


Fr. Don Stefano Gobbi was born on March 22, 1930, in Dongo, Italy, north of Milan.  He is a member of the Company of St. Paul and holds a doctorate in sacred theology from the Pontifical University of the Lateran in Rome. 


On March 30 1930, when Stefano was 8 days old, his parents brought him and his twin brother Giuseppe to the parish priest of Dongo, Fr. Prospero Bellesini, who baptized them.  The baptisms, however, took place at the Parish of Santa Maria in Martinico in a small locality a short distance away, because the parish church at Dongo was in disuse. And, as customary in those days, Stefano was named after his grandfather, and also St. Stephen, the patron saint of the locality.


Stafano was confirmed on May 1, 1938, by the Bishop of Como, the Most Rev. Alessandro Macchi (1878-1947).


In 1941, as World War II was underway, Stafano entered the Franciscan boarding school of Friars Minor at Rodengo Saiano, a small town in the province of Brescia. 


In 1946, at about sixteen years of age, Stefano was transferred to the friary of Rezzato in the provincial district of Brescia to start his novitiate year.  Young Stefano was give a habit, a simple robe of a friar with a cord for a belt and sandals and also a new name: Friar Narciso. 


On April 27, 1952, Friar Narciso made his solemn Profession at the Shrine of Our Lady of Tears in Dongo. On March 13, 1954, Friar Narciso received his Subdiaconate ordination in the Milan Cathedral.  After, he was transferred to the Sant'Antonio Friary in Via Farini.  During his time at the Sant'Antonio Friary, Friar Narciso felt caged in and reached such a state of crisis that he decided to leave the Franciscan Order. 


Stefano returned to the secular world, completed his high school diploma and held a job as an insurance agent.  At 30, Stefano began to feel again the desire to become a priest and found himself at the doorstep of the Company of Saint Paul.  At age 32, Stefano arrived at Rome in July 1962 to begin his studies.  On October 11, 1964, Stefano made his vows of religious professions on the feast of the Divine Maternity of Mary.  On December 19 of the same year, Stefano celebrated his ordination to Holy Priesthood. 


In 1972, Fr. Gobbi was about to lead one of his Pauline Pilgrimages to the Shrine of our Lady of Fatima in Portugal.  Just before his departure, two priests who were struggling to keep afloat in the midst of a crisis from years of following Vatican II asked Fr. Gobbi to keep them in his prayer.  One could say that this was the beginning of the Marian Movement of Priests. In Fatima, Fr. Gobbi reported his first interior locution from the Blessed Mother.  After consultations with his spiritual director upon his return to Italy, Fr. Gobbi and two other priests  met in a church in October in Gera Lario in Como, Italy and afterwards published a notice of the movement in some Catholic and local newspapers. The Marian Movement of Priests was originally called the Marian League of Priests.  In February 1973, Fr. Gobbi officially changed the name to the Marian Movement of Priests in Circular Letter No. 2.  Fr. Gobbi went on to dedicate his life to the mission to which he had been called by the Lady. 


On June 19, 2011, Fr. Gobbi was taken to the hospital after another critical moment of his declining health.  On June 29, 2011, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Fr. Stefano Gobbi gave up his spirit, taking his last breath at 3:23 PM.  Although no one was in the room at that moment, Fr. Gobbi passed into eternity accompanied by the Most Holy Virgin and two great saints of the church.  


For a complete description of Fr. Gobbi's earthly journey, obtain a copy his biography +here+


Check out this featured video to learn more about the origin of the Marian Movement of Priests and Fr. Gobbi.

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