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Letter from Fr. Francis Geremia

February 2014

February 25 – 2014


Dear Friends in Jesus and in the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


We are pleased to send you the annual letter from Fr. Laurent Larroque who last year was elected as the new Director General for the Marian Movement of Priests. He has asked all of the national directors around the world to share his letter with their members. Therein he gives news of the Marian Movement of Priests, and beautiful meditation on Jesus present in the most Holy Eucharist. We encourage you to read his very inspiring letter. We thank the Blessed Mother for the gift of Fr. Larroque to guide her Movement.


As you also will read in Fr. Larroque’s letter, the statutes of the MMP were approved by the Bishop of Como (Italy). This was the necessary first step for the MMP to be officially approved for the whole Church. With the present approval, according to Italian law, the MMP can now own an office and house in Italy. In the past, Fr. Gobbi was using a small office in one of the houses of his Congregation.


Let us persevere in prayer


As we are waiting and praying for the New Pentecost, we should learn from Holy Scripture about how God wants us to persevere in prayer. For years Abraham waited, prayed and implored God for a son. Isaac was born when he and Sarah were old. The mother of Sampson was barren before he was conceived. The mother of Samuel suffered the abuse of the other wife of Elkanah, and she cried for years before the Lord, pleading to have a child. Zechariah and Elizabeth could not have children, and John the Baptist was born when they were advanced in age. Tradition tells us how Mary’s parents, Joachim and Anne, suffered and prayed because they couldn’t have children.


God, in his infinite Wisdom, required all their suffering, their prayers and their perseverance before granting them a child, because all of those children had a great mission to accomplish. Of course, this is true about the Blessed Mother more than anyone else in the world.


During the last two thousand years, the Catholic Church obtained its greatest victories after much prayer, suffering and faith in the Blessed Mother’s intercession. It must be the same even today. We should never stop our cenacles; we must persevere in prayer. Even in the midst of the great apostasy of so many Catholics, and the presence of so many Antichrists in the world, we must bepersistent in prayer in the cenacle, following the example of the Patriarchs. Mary needs at least a “little remnant”, as God told us through the Prophet Zephaniah: “For I will leave in the midst of you a people humble and lowly. They should seek refuge in the name of the Lord.” (3:12)


We must never become discouraged, because Jesus promised that “the gates of Hell will never prevail.” Do not be afraid, because we have the Queen of Victories at our side. We pray that all of you persevere and remain part of Mary’s little remnant, even in the midst of persecution, especially in these very difficult times for the Church. We would like to quote a few lines from the Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the Priests: “We further promise you the greatest loyalty to the Gospel, of which we shall always be genuine and courageous heralds, even, if necessary, to the shedding of our blood. We promise loyalty to the Church, for whose service we have been consecrated.” Lately, Pope Francis suggested that we should pray to remain always faithful to our Catholic Church till our death. And at the end of our life we will find ourselves extremely happy to have helped the Mother of God.


Good News


The Provincial Superior of Fr. Francis has assigned him to be a part time assistant to the pastor in one of his former parishes, “so that,” he said, “You can give more time to the work of the MMP”. We thank the Blessed Mother for this. His residence is at All Souls Church, 21 Barton St. West, Hamilton, Ont. L8L 1A2. Now he will have more time to conduct cenacles. If you are interested in having him go to your area, please call the MMP Office. Also Fr. Andy Goodwin sometimes can be available to conduct Cenacles.


Our new If you click on “Link” you can also enter in the MMP, USA Web Site. If you have to contact our Office, it will be easier to use the internet:


Mass Intentions


Fr. Francis celebrates Mass and prays regularly for all of the members of the MMP.  He now can accept individual Mass intentions. Please make checks payable to the Marian Movement of Priests.


Retreats for Priests


The priests of the MMP are invited to attend both the International and National Retreats in 2014. We will try to sponsor all those who require financial assistance. Priests who are interested are urged to contact us as soon as possible; an early booking will cost much less. If sponsorship funds get depleted, the aid will be offered on a first come, first served basis.


International Clergy Retreat Cenacle – June 22-28, 2014

Shrine of Merciful Love – Collevalenza, Italy

Please see Fr. Larroque’s letter for all of the details


North American Clergy Retreat Cenacle

Marytown (National Shrine of St. Maximilian Kolbe)

1600 W. Park Ave.  Libertyville, IL  60048

Monday, Sept. 8 (afternoon) – Friday, Sept. 12 (11 AM)

Cost:  Single occupancy – $370 / Double occupancy – $350

Contact: Bonnie Rushley  Email: / cell 614-306-9156


Clergy Retreat Sponsors

Owing to your generosity, last year we were able to sponsor several priests to attend the National and International Clergy Retreats. Once again, we invite our members to consider sponsoring a priest for the 2014 retreat cenacles. The priests who were helped by your generosity have asked us to extend a special ‘thank you’ on their behalf, and to let the sponsors know that they are being remembered in a special way in their Masses and prayers.


Retreats for the Laity


Mount Carmel Retreat Center Niagara Falls (Ontario, Canada)

Friday, May 16 – Sunday, May 18, 2014 , Mount Carmel Retreat Center,

7021 Stanley Ave. Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Cost for the weekend: $250/person (meals/lodging) The retreat begins with supper at 5:30 pm on Friday, May 16, 2014 (registration in the afternoon after 3:30 pm). The retreat ends after 3:00 pm on Sunday, May 18, 2014. Cheques to be made payable to “The Marian Movement of Priests”. Deadline for registration & payment is Tuesday May 6th, 2014. 

Retreat director: Fr. Andy Goodwin. Contact: Suzanne (905) 735-4164



Marytown, 1600 W. Park Ave.  Libertyville, IL  60048

Friday, Aug. 1 to Sunday, Aug. 3

Cost: Single occupancy – $220  /  Double occupancy – $185

Registration deadline: July 14 – 2014

Contact:  Bonnie Rushley  Email: / cell 614-306-9156


Cenacles in May 2014

At the end of this letter, we have included a listing of area cenacles that will take place in different parts of the country during the month of May. Everyone is invited to participate. We encourage you to try to attend one of these, as a demonstration of unity and solidarity with the other cenacles that are regularly meeting around the country. Please invite your friends to attend.


We thank all the priests, the organizers, and those who participated last May, 2013. There was a great response on the part of many. You responded to Our Blessed Mother’s plea: “Please help me, my children.”


These are special “area” cenacles held annually, at which a priest is present to celebrate Mass and guide the cenacle. Please inform us if you can organize a cenacle for May 2015, with a priest to guide it, and we will be pleased to publish the information, in the annual newsletter.


Mailing List is Private


Some of you have expressed concern about the privacy of the information you provide when you enroll as members. Many of you are being inundated with mail and want to be certain that we are not sharing your name with other organizations. Please be assured that your membership with the MMP is kept private. We will never give your name or personal information to any other entities. The only time we release information is when we have the permission from those of you who are Cenacle contact persons, to give it to others who are looking for a Cenacle in their area.


Thank You for Your Donations


We wish to express our gratitude for your continued prayerful and financial support. Many countries that could not otherwise afford to print their own edition of the book also rely on MMP of North America to provide them with books and to sponsor the translation and printing of books in other languages. Your donations to help provide for these needs would be most appreciated. We are grateful for those of you who give your “widow’s mite.” The Blessed Mother carries this work forward through your sacrifices.


Is the Blue Book “free”?

We understand that, with the state of the economy, many of you are under financial strain. If someone is unable to afford to give a donation for the book, we are pleased to mail you a copy. We cannot, however, supply one person with multiple free copies to give to others, unless they can assure us that donations will be requested from the group to help cover our costs. Because we don’t receive funding from other sources, our only means of continuing to order more books is with your donations.


Countries Consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (2013)


The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines held a simultaneous National Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at 10 am on June 8, 2013, the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, in all churches. Bishop Afable, the spiritual advisor for the MMP in the Phillipines, who also attended the retreat that I guided in Manila last January, introduced this idea at the Bishops’ Conference.


On June 16, 2013, the entire Episcopate of Lebanon, along with their Papal Nuncio and all the Catholic Patriarchs of the Middle East gathered in Harissa, the National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon, to solemnly Consecrate Lebanon and the Middle East to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For several years, under Fr. Gobbi’s direction, the MMP in North America has been sponsoring several Bishops and Priests from Lebanon to participate at the annual international retreat in Italy. It would be wonderful if some of you can help the Blessed Mother’s work by sponsoring some priests and bishops from Lebanon.


Following a decision by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference, Ireland was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Knock Shrine on August 15, 2013.


Let us join in praying that the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops soon may lead our country in doing the same!


Pope Francis


Our beloved Holy Father is a true gift of Jesus for the Church today. I encourage you to read his beautiful and inspiring daily homilies in which he speaks about themes that the Blessed Mother spoke of in the messages: mercy, confession, humility, poverty, prayer. We must remain faithful and in union with the Pope and to the Church united to him. Not only is this one of our commitments as members of the MMP, but it is also a requirement for all Catholics.


We take this opportunity to wish all of you a most holy season of Lent and a joyous Easter.


Most sincerely in Jesus and Mary,

Fr. Francis Geremia, c.s., & Fr. Andrew Goodwin







Calgary 1) Monday 19, 2014 at 6:30 pm

Corpus Christi Church Celebrant: Fr. Gilles Leblanc

404 Northmount Pl NW Mass/ Cenacle

Contacts: Marjorie: 587- 350- 9672 /Julie: 403- 830- 9852

Ann: 403-230-7634


2) Monday Oct. 6, 2014 at 6:30 pm


1) Saturday March 1 2014 at 12:30

St. Agnes Church Celebrant: Fr. Raymond Guimond

10826 62 Ave Mass/ Cenacle

Contact: Elizabeth: 780-452-1471


2) St. Andrew Church Thursday, April 24, 2014 at 7:00 pm

12810 111 Ave.


3) St. Anthony Church Saturday May 31 2014 at 12:30

10661 82 Ave


4) St. Andrews Church Thursday June 26, 2014 at 7:00 pm

12810 111 Ave. (Note: Please keep an eye open for further Cenacles

throughout the year)



Armstrong Wednesday May 14 at 11:00 am

Carmel of St. Joseph Celebrant: Fr. Anthony Ackerman

Monastery Mass/ Cenacle

4815 Salmon River Rd Contact: Lloyd (250) 838- 9833

V0E 1B4


Lillooet Saturday May 3 2014 at 9:00 am

St Baptist Church Celebrant: Fr. Robert Haggarty O.M.I.

111 Main St Mass/ Cenacle

V0K 1V0 Contact: Fr. Robert


Nanaimo Saturday May 3 2014 at 9:00 am

St. Peters Church Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

301 Machleary St. Mass/ Cenacle

Contact: Sheila Silverio 250- 755- 1981

Vancouver Friday May 2 at 7:00 pm


St Andrew’s Parish Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

480 E. 47th Ave. Mass/Cenacle

Contacts: Lynne Heathe: 604- 272- 9880 /Albert Quilay: 604-277-2409


Windfield Sunday May 11 at 3:00 pm

St. Edward Church Celebrant: Fr. Cerlouie Jimenez

111231 Okanagan Center Mass/Cenacle

V4V 1H3 Contacts: Parish Office: 250- 766-3146

Ruffina: 250- 763-3907



Winnipeg Friday Sept. 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Mary Mother of the Church Celebrant: Fr. Rheal Forest

85 Kirkbridge Dr. Mass/ Cenacle

Winnipeg, MB Contact: Nolli Chatto 204- 269- 8750


SASKATCHEWAN Thurs. May 29 2014 at 7:00 pm

Saskatoon Celebrants: Fr. Pius Schroh & Fr. Denis Phaneuf

St Paul’s Co-Cathedral Mass/Cenacle

720 Spadina Cr. East Contact: Edna Evans (306) 382- 1680



Halifax Area Saturday June 28 at 8:00 a.m

Dartmouth, NS Mass/ Cenacle

St Vincent de Paul Church Celebrant: Fr. Darius Misiolek

329 Flying Cloud Dr. Mass/ Cenacle

B2W 4T6 Contact: Cyril Cooke: (902) 865- 1776


Monastery Sunday June 8 at 2:00 pm

Our Lady of Grace Celebrant: Fr. Patrick O’Neill


Contacts: Sister’s Office (902) 232-2214

Cyril Cooke: (902) 865- 1776



Montreal Every 1st Saturday at 11:00 am

St Zotique Est, Mtl. Cenacle/ Mass

(West of Lacordaire) Contacts: Doug Kennedy: 514-695-6518

Chapel of St. Francis Cabrini Hospital Sistina: 514-367-3270(also for info about French Cenacles)



Ajax Monday May 12 2014 at 7:00 pm

St Bernadette Parish Celebrant:Fr. Francis Geremia

21 Bayly St. E. Cenacle/ Mass

Contact: Susan Dulny: 905-619-1284


Barry’s Bay Wednesday May 28 at 6:00 pm

St. Hedwig’s Church Celebrant: Fr. John Nosan

Cenacle/ Mass

Contact: Church Office: 613-756-2243,


Brantford Tuesday May 13 2014 at 6:30 pm

St Basil Church Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

50 Palace St. Mass/ Cenacle

Contact: Vicky Coyle: 519- 753- 4809


Fort Francis Tuesday May 13 2014 at 7:00 pm

St Mary’s Church Celebrant: Fr. Rheal Forest

206 Victoria Ave E. Mass/ Cenacle

Contact: Margaret Shaun 807- 274- 6149


Hamilton Saturday May 17 at 11:00 am

St. Anthony’s Church Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

165 Prospect St. North Mass/ Cenacle

Contacts: Carmella: 289-239-8003/ Suzanne: 905-735-4164


Keewatin Wednesday May 14 at 7:00 pm

St Louis Church Celebrant: Fr. Rheal Forest

TENTATIVE Mass/ Cenacle

at time of printing Contact: Deacon Victor & Joan St Croix: 807- 468- 7654


Kenora Wednesday May 14 2014 at 7:00 pm

Notre Dame du Portage Celebrant: Fr. Rheal Forest

222 First St N Mass/ Cenacle

TENTATIVE Contact: Deacon Victor & Joan St Croix: 807-468-7654


Kingston Sunday May 25 2014 at 3:00 pm

St Joseph’s Church Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

392 Palace Rd. Cenacle/ Adoration (No Mass)

Contact: Josie Saccone 613-548- 7265


Mississauga Tuesday May 20 at 7:00 pm (Mass), Cenacle at 7:30 pm

St Catherine of Sienna Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

2340 Hurontario St. Contact: Parish Office 905-272-1454


Ottawa Wednesday May 21 at 2:00 pm

Our Lady of Fatima Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

153 Woodroffe Ave Cenacle(2:00 pm)/ Mass (4:00 pm)

Contact: Lola Burnett: 613-729-4096


Owen Sound Monday May 5 at 5:00 pm

St. Mary of the Assumption Celebrants: Fr. John Nosan/ Fr. David Reilandel

554 15th St. E. Adoration/Cenacle/Mass

Contact: Parish Office: 519-376- 0778


Thornhill June 7 at 8:00 am

St Paschal Baylon Mass / Cenacle

92 Steeles Ave. W. Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

(just west of Jonge) Contact: Rosalin: 905- 886- 6465/ Muller Family: 905- 889-5804

(*Also on every Saturday at 8:00 am: Mass/ Cenacle)


Thunder Bay Monday May 12 2014 at 7:00 p.m.

TENTATIVE Celebrant: Fr. Rheal Forest

at time of printing Mass/ Cenacle

Contact: Deacon Victor & Joan St. Croix: 807-468-7654


Toronto Sunday May 18 2014 at 6:00 p.m.

Our Lady of Sorrows Celebrant: Fr. John Nosan

3055 Bloor St. W. Cenacle/ Mass

(opposite Royal York subway) Contact: Bob Williams: 416- 503- 1141


Windsor Monday May 26 at 7:00 p.m.

Assumption Church Celebrant: Fr. Francis Geremia

350 Huron Church Rd Cenacle/ Mass

Contact: Dora Doig: 519-972-6936





Ave MariaMontoire-sur-le-Loir (France)

January 1, 2014

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

To the National and Regional Directors of the M.M.P.


Dear Brothers,

At the beginning of this new year, as Fr. Gobbi would say, I am spiritually close to you with my best wishes of peace and of holiness. I ask him to be especially close to each one of us, to obtain for us from the Blessed Mother the grace of perseverance and of trust.


We are certain that Mary continues to guide her Movement, and that we will be given the light to fulfill the great responsibility that we have undertaken by joining her Movement. Already in the early messages, she said:


“They must let themselves be formed by me, as little children, with much trust and abandonment! Then through them the light of the Gospel will shine anew in this world so filled with darkness. This is the task of my priests: to be this light in the great darkness which will be spread over the whole earth, because through them and in them, I will be present in the midst of my children during the great purification, in order to save them in the decisive hours.”


(To the Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons (TTP), October 20, 1973, 22 m-o)


“If I have told you that, in the greatest darkness, the light will come to you from my Immaculate Heart, I have wanted in this way to inform you that, at the decisive moments, I myself will suggest everything to you. I will tell you whom you must follow in order to be faithful to the Vicar of my Son Jesus and to my Church. I will confirm you in what you must say to remain in the truth. I will point out to you those whom you ought to fear and what roads you can follow to avoid dangers…”


(TTP, Dec. 8, 1977, 140 n-p)


For this reason I ask that more publicity be given to the Consecration of priests to [the Immaculate Heart of] Mary, made by Pope Benedict XVI on May 12 and June 11, 2010 [Year for Priests].


I remind you also of the passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (#675) and Our Lady’s message of January 1, 1993, quoted by Fr. Quartilio Gabrielli in last year’s circular letter.


The last message upon which Fr. Gobbi commented, during his last cenacle on Pentecost Sunday June 12, 2011 in Como, Italy, was that of October 18, 1975. About this message he said: “Meditate it well, because everything is there.”




On July 10, 2013, his Excellency Monsignor Diego Colletti, Bishop of Como, approved the Statutes of the M.M.P., making it a private association of the faithful in his diocese. This was done, not to create another reality, but to permit the Movement to carry on as it did for more than forty years under the guidance of Fr. Gobbi, as inspired by the Virgin Mary.


During the annual spiritual exercises in Collevalenza [Italy] at the end of June 2013, thirty national and regional directors, having been appointed by Fr. Gobbi, became directors of said Association, thanks to the work of Fr. Gobbi’s secretary, Fr. Quartilio Gabrielli. They elected me, Fr. Laurent Larroque, as Director General of the Movement. We thank Fr. Quartilio for his work and the sacrifices he endured to assure the institutionalization of the charism of the MMP.


I do not have the same inspired charism as Fr. Gobbi, but I have the same will to guide the Movement forward with great fidelity, with Most Holy Mary herself as guide. “I myself will be your Leader…allow yourselves to be guided by me.” (TTP, July 16, 1973, 5 h,k) Our Lady said three times – in June, July and December 1974 – that this is her Work and that no external interference will be able to harm it. (cf. message #63e – Dec. 7, 1974)

I am grateful for the prayers offered for me, and I ask you to continue them.


In the statutes, we have established that all those who are members of the MMP, who already participate in the Cenacles and live its spirituality, do not have to fill out any enrollment form to be part of the Association.

The new address for the official [international] office of the Movement:


Via don G. Bosco, 1

22100 Como-Lora (Italy)


I thank those who would send news of the Movement from around the world to this address!


To this same address, you also can send your witness of graces received through the intercession of Fr. Gobbi. The biography of Fr. Gobbi is in progress. Please pray for its success, and pray also for the printing of the standard edition of the Blue Book. As intercessors, we have Fr. Gabriele Allegra, beatified on September 29, 2012 (Acireale, Sicily), and Marie Bolognesi, a woman who was very important in the life of Fr. Gobbi, beatified on September 7, 2013 in Rovigo (close to Bologna). Let us pray also that Fr. Nazareno Lanciotti, who was the National Director of the MMP for Brazil, may soon be beatified.




As usual, these will be held at the Shrine of Merciful Love in Collevalenza [Italy] from Sunday evening, June 22 to Saturday morning, June 28, for the bishops and priests of the MMP.


  • Few laypersons will be allowed to attend (only those who have a position of responsibility in the MMP).

  • As always, address all inquiries and reservation requests to:


P. Florio Quercia S.J.

Via Carlo Marx, 1

Centro San Francesco de Geronimo

74023 Grottaglie (TA) ITALY

Fax: +39 099 5635710

Cell (Mobile): +39 333 6322248




Collevalenza-April 10; Padua-April 25; San Gabriel-April 30; Bologna-May 6; Latiano-May 8; Udine-May 10; Dongo-May 13; La Spezia-May 15; Montenero-May 22; Capriana-May 25; Loreto-June 2; Rome-June 3.




To begin, I will use a meditation given by Fr. Gobbi on the morning of July 2, 2010, titled “Apostles of the Eucharist.” As he often did, Fr. Gobbi takes up the homily of Pope John Paul II given during the beatification of Jacinta and Francisco (Fatima, May 13, 2000). He concludes: The Woman clothed with the Sun came down from Heaven to seek her little ones, to make them become a burning bush before Jesus present in the Eucharist. The Tabernacle is the Burning Bush in our midst: a light that burns without being consumed. Consequently, we too, by remaining in adoration before the Tabernacle, become the burning bush of the Most High.


The Virgin Mary, “the first Tabernacle in history” (John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 55), draws us to the Eucharistic Jesus and reveals Him to us, same as She reveals the secrets of the Father to the little ones. As Blessed Francisco had understood at the age of nine: “I come to console the hidden Jesus.”


Fr. Gobbi said that, in the midst of this battle between the great Dragon and the Woman clothed with the Sun, we have been formed by Her so that she can carry us before the hidden God.The more Jesus is abandoned in his Real Presence, the more She leads us toward the Tabernacle; she makes us fall in love with the Eucharistic Jesus. The Eucharistic Jesus becomes the ardent fire that burns our heart without consuming it; the Eucharistic Jesus leads us to our true priestly holiness, entirely modeled upon Jesus, meek and humble of heart.


There, before the Tabernacle, we choose always and again humility, and we desire it with a great purity of heart, without ever staining it by career ambition, which would be to “serve self rather than Christ” as Benedict XVI used to say, and as Pope Francis also has said in his own words. We promise it in our Act of Consecration.


There, before the Tabernacle, we choose always and again the meekness of Jesus, who permits us to be at peace, as he was before those who opposed him, “without attaching [ourselves] to anything, without being astonished at anything, without putting [ourselves] in pain about anything…” (Treatise on True Devotion [to the Blessed Virgin Mary], 57)


There, before the Tabernacle, we choose always and again the tenderness of Jesus, to become ever more the instruments, chosen and prepared by Mary, for the triumph of Divine Mercy in the world.


There, before the tabernacle, we live out our trust with the abandonment of those who are who are in love with Him, without any shadow of discouragement or of being paralyzed out of fear. We become courageous apostles of hope (cf. message #533, December 8, 1994), a hope of the approaching return of Jesus in glory, as we say at every Mass: “as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.”


Pope John Paul II says it thus (Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 62):


“Above all, let us listen to Mary Most Holy, in whom the mystery of the Eucharist appears, more than in anyone else, as a mystery of light. Gazing upon Mary, we come to know the transforming power present in the Eucharist. In her we see the world renewed in love. Contemplating her, assumed body and soul into heaven, we see opening up before us those ‘new heavens’ and that ‘new earth’ which will appear at the second coming of Christ. Here below, the Eucharist represents their pledge, and in a certain way, their anticipation: ‘Veni, Domine Iesu!’ (Rev 22:20)”


Attentive to Mary, let us listen to what she said on August 21, 1987 (360 v) and on June 14, 1979 (176 e-f), concerning the coinciding of the glorious reign of Jesus and the glorification of the Eucharist:


“The coming of the glorious reign of Christ will coincide with the greatest splendor of the Eucharist.” (TTP, 360v) “His glorious reign will shine forth above all in the triumph of his Eucharistic Person, because the Eucharist will once again be the heart and center of the whole life of the Church. Jesus in the Eucharist will become the summit of all your prayer, which should be a prayer of adoration, of thanksgiving, of praise and of propitiation.” (TTP, 176 d-e)


Jesus is present in the Eucharist, with his glorified Body, but He is hidden; when he returns in his glory, he will, as it were, cause to explode this aspect of Himself hidden under the species, and He will manifest Himself in his glory.


It seems that we are faced with numerous attacks: against the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist; against the sacrificial nature of the Mass; an epidemic of communions made in the state of mortal sin; the great neglect of signs of reverence around Jesus in the Tabernacle; when adoration of Jesus exposed in the most Blessed Sacrament has become more and more infrequent.


As John Paul II repeats in Ecclesia de Eucharistia (1,31,59) quoting the second Vatican Council, and as we find again in the Catechism of the Catholic Church: if the Eucharistic Jesus is truly “the source and summit of the life of the Church”, “the treasure of the Church”, “the Church’s entire spiritual wealth: Christ himself, our Passover and Living Bread”, then do not all of these attacks perhaps prepare us for the abomination of desolation in the Holy Temple of God, prophesied by the Prophet Daniel and by Jesus? Do they not represent a culminating point of the battle between the Woman clothed with the Sun and the Dragon, as seen in the Apocalyse? (e.g., cf. Christmas message, 1977)


Let us reread John Paul II’s Mane Nobiscum Domine (Stay with Us, Lord) and Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church Draws Her Life from the Eucharist), and Benedict XVI’s Sacramentum Caritatis (The Sacrament of Charity).


Ecclesia de Eucharistia: 10, 52, 36, 25


10. “At times one encounters an extremely reductive understanding of the Eucharistic mystery. Stripped of its sacrificial meaning, it is celebrated as if it were simply a fraternal banquet. …The Eucharist is too great a gift to tolerate ambiguity and depreciation.”


52. “No one is permitted to undervalue the Mystery entrusted to our hands: it is too great for anyone to feel free to treat it lightly and with disregard for its sacredness and its universality.”


36. “Along these same lines, the Catechism of the Catholic Church rightly stipulates that ‘anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the sacrament of Reconciliation before coming to communion.’ I therefore desire to reaffirm that in the Church there remains in force, now and in the future, the rule by which the Council of Trent gave concrete expression to the Apostle Paul’s stern warning when it affirmed that, in order to receive the Eucharist in a worthy manner, ‘one must first confess one’s sins, when one is aware of mortal sin.’ ”


25. “It is the responsibility of pastors to encourage, also by their personal witness, the practice of Eucharistic adoration, and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in particular, as well as prayer of adoration before Christ present under the Eucharistic species. It is pleasant to spend time with him, to lie close to his breast like the Beloved Disciple (cf. Jn 13:25) and to feel the infinite love present in his heart (…) How can we not feel a renewed need to spend time in spiritual converse, in silent adoration, in heartfelt love before Christ present in the Most Holy Sacrament?”


Refer to the messages of August 21, 1987; March 31, 1988 and August 8, 1986.


In the one dated July 1, 1992 (474 f-g), we read:


“Show yourselves to all as my little children, as priests consecrated to me, as the apostles of these last times. Your light must shine ever more brightly in the great darkness which is covering humanity and which has pervaded the Church. Let your priestly love be the sign of my motherly presence among you.” (TTP, July 1, 1992, 474f-g)


“You are being called more and more to become the apostles and new martyrs of Jesus, present in the Eucharist.” (TTP, July 13, 1978, 156n)

“Because you are now entering into the most painful and dark phase of the purification, and soon the Church will be shaken by a terrible persecution, a new persecution, such as has hitherto been unknown.” (TTP, November 12, 1988, 393h)


O Jesus, present in the Eucharist – eternal sun of Paradise with all your Power, fire that burns without being consumed – with invincible hope, we wish to await your return in glory. At the Ascension, the Angels said to the Apostles: “Jesus will return in the same way as He has gone into Heaven.” (cf. Acts 1:11) Jesus also had said, to confirm the truth of the Eucharist, “when you shall see the Son of Man returning to Heaven…” (cf. John 6:62) Now we say, “when you will see the Son of Man coming from Heaven,” then we shall see our Eucharistic faith confirmed, our hope realized, and our priestly love fulfilled.


I entrust to you, who are the directors, the task of sending this letter to the members of the Marian Movement of Priests, that it may be read and well meditated by them. I offer to all my affectionate greetings along with my priestly blessing.


I await your response, informing me of your news.


In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,


Your little brother,

Fr. Laurent Larroque


The Marian Movement of Priests (MMP) is a fraternity of brothers and sisters who have responded to the request of our blessed mother Mary and consecrated their hearts and lives in a total way to Her Immaculate Heart. The MMP is a continuation of the message of our Lady of Fatima. In response to our Lady's request, Fr. Stefano Gobbi started the MMP in 1972 to call upon everyone in the world, regardless of their faith, to become part of Her movement and Her instruments of Peace and Mercy.  The purpose of the MMP is to convert sinners and to prepare us for the second Pentecost, which brings us into the era of peace and new church of light.  Participants of the MMP enters into the refuge of Her Immaculate Heart during this turbulent time, the time of universal rebellion against God.  Those who respond to Her request will be protected by Her and guided by Her to be faithful followers of Her Son Jesus Christ.  We cling to the ark of Her Immaculate Heart during this spiritual storms.  Participants of the MMP gather in prayers with our Lady in spiritual gatherings called cenacles.  The word "cenacle" originates from the Latin word "Upper Room".  In cenacle prayers, we pray the Rosary with our Lady, we pray for our beloved Pope, we read one of 604 messages from Our Lady's book "To the Priests, Our Lady's Beloved Sons" and we recite the Act of Consecration to Her Immaculate Heart, a prayer which Our Lady dictated to Fr. Gobbi. Reciting the Rosary is our weapon to defeat Satan, our adversaries. 


Mouvement Sacerdotal Marial MSM















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