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The Victory of Mary

Conferences given at the MMP International Clergy Retreats
Fr. Francis Geremia, C.S.

FIRST PART: The victory of Our Lady, in us, today.




For 27 times in the booklet, “To the priests our Lady’s beloved sons” we find the expression “My Victory.” These words always fascinated me. For several years I gave to the word “Victory” a meaning that I wanted and that I liked, and that it seemed very obvious to our mentality so human.


But while the years passed, since the “Victory” according to my vocabulary seemed out of reach, then I was forced to study more carefully the Messages, to understand what our Lady really meant when she said “My Victory”. It is strange that only a little bit at a time I started to be more honest, leaving Our Heavenly Mother speak to me the way she wanted to. Perhaps this happens also with the Bible. In fact, as we grow in our spiritual life, we discover that in the past we learned very little about God’s Word. At the end of our life, we will realize that we are still beginners.
On the 24th of June, 1996, Father Stefano has already given us a beautiful meditation entitled: “The Triumph, the Second Coming and the Eucharistic Reign.” He has treated the argument in a truly complete way, from the point of view of Holy Scripture, of the teaching of the Magisterium and of the messages of the Blessed Mother.


In this meditation I don’t want, therefore, to talk of the “future Victory” to which we all tend to and for which we pray in every Eucharistic celebration, when we proclaim the mystery of faith: ‘Christ has died Christ has risen, Christ will come again’.


I would like instead to emphasize the “Victory” of our Lady that is realized everyday in each one of us. At the same time, though, I do not want absolutely to diminish the importance of what Our Lady even at Fatima describes with the words: “And in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph”. I would only like to see that our Mother Triumphs today in each one of us, as she invites us in her many messages. I think that this is the best way to always be ready to welcome Jesus, when He will come again, through the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


Our Lady has to triumph also today


On October 7, 1995, Our Mother gave us a beautiful message entitled “My Victory”:
“I am the Queen of the Holy Rosary. I am the Queen of Victories. The task which has been entrusted to me by the Most Holy Trinity is that of directing the battle and leading to victory the cohort of the children of God who are fighting against the powerful army of the slaves of Satan and of the spirits of evil. I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring; she will crush your head, and you will lie in wait for her heel (Gen 3,15). Each day I am carrying forward this struggle and attaining my victory.”


We are dealing, then, with a real fight against Satan. Mary speaks about two armies. Each one has a leader and uses determined weapons. In this meditation we will try to elaborate on our present situation, quoting the messages of our Lady. First of all, Our Lady says that She will obtain Victory even today:


“These are my times. These, that is to say the days in which you are living, are ‘mine,’ because they are times marked by my great and strong presence. These times will become even more mine, the more my victory will broaden out and become stronger, surpassing the victory which at present is that of my Adversary.” (23/7/87).


In light of a reality, so tremendous and bad in the world today, and in front of my failures on many fronts, I would be tempted to be discouraged and to pray only for a future triumph. Our Mother instead warns us that our enemy uses our pessimism, and She cannot work if we are paralyzed because of our failures and our discouragement.
“The first weapon that you must make use of is trust in me. It is your complete abandonment to me. Conquer the temptation of fear, of discouragement, of sadness. Distrust paralyzes your activity and greatly benefits my Adversary. Be serene; be joyful!


This is not the end of my Church; what is in preparation is the beginning of its total and marvelous renewal!” (18/10/75). If one day we want to arrive at the final victory, then now we must trust and be enthusiastic for our Captain. This trust is already part of her Victory. In fact, it’s exactly this that our Lady says in another beautiful message:


“Go forward with the very greatest confidence. Follow the light of your Immaculate Mother. I am covering you with my very own splendor; I am clothing you with my virtues; I am signing you with my seal; I am revealing to you the secrets of divine wisdom. From your mouths, little ones, may the Most Holy Trinity receive today praise and glory. You are the greatest joy of my Immaculate Heart: you are already part of my victory.” (8/12/81).


The victory of Satan over man was to steal from his heart obedience and love for God. The victory of our Lady is to bring us back to the Holy Trinity:


“With the littlest ones, I am attaining each day my victory over Satan and his powerful army of evil, over the satanic and Masonic forces organized against God, because I am leading my children along the road of heroic faith, of sure hope and of perfect love. In them, the Heavenly Father is being glorified; by them, Jesus is loved and lived; through them, the Holy Spirit is pouring out the power of his divine love upon the world”. (8/9/94).


Earlier I said that it is important to study every message, to see what the work of Our Lady really consists in. As Mediatrix between us and Jesus, She helps humanity and us in particular to return to the Father, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit. To be able to do this, She guides us (as it’s suggested in the message just quoted) in littleness, humility, faith, hope and charity, so that the Father can finally take us in his arms.


Our work as Priest is the same as the work of our Lady. She asks us to bring the faithful to the Consecration to her Immaculate Heart, so that the largest possible number of people can finally start the same journey. An army that knows who at the end will be the winner, does not stop during a difficult battle. A soldier who stops fighting, can be called a deserter.


Now we understand the importance of the MMP and of the messages of our Blessed Mother. In the message just quoted, which was given in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, She said: “In this great country also, I am leading you to salvation and peace by means of these little children of mine. See how they are responding to me with generosity and enthusiasm! See how they are living, with love and gratitude, the consecration to my Immaculate Heart. By means of them, my triumph has already begun.”


Fifteen years have gone by since this message; seeing the political and religious situation of the Nation where I live, I am tempted to doubt that those words are still true. This fear, though, does not stop me from working for Our Lady.
We cannot ask too many questions of the Captain of our army: but we must carry out Her orders promptly. Even if we don’t notice it, Our Blessed Mother always attains her Victories. Here is a message that Don Gobbi received the first time he went to Slovakia, after the fall of Communism:  “You have seen everywhere a most generous response, on the part of all, to my request for prayer and for consecration. Especially, you have been astounded, because you have come here for the first time and have found my Marian Movement of Priests so widely spread, received and followed. This is my work alone, and I myself am furthering it in every part of the world, because these are the times of my triumph, of my victory and of your salvation.” (12/9/91).


The plan of battle of Our Lady


We have entitled this meditation, “The Victory of Mary.” It is a continuous victory in a continuous battle. It’s obvious that, when we talk about war, we talk also about enemies. History tells us that many Nations, to convince their citizens that they needed to go to war, they were doing a particular propaganda against the enemy. We don’t need any propaganda, because God Himself clearly told us already in the first pages of the Bible, who our enemy is and who is in command of his troops. In the book of the Genesis we read what He said to the Serpent:


“I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring; she will crush your head, and you will lie in wait for her heel.” God has announced a continuous war and He even announced the victory. It’s a fight that our Lady and her Son battle on behalf of every man and woman. Therefore God has announced both, the final victory and our every day’s victory.


“My plan is that of leading in battle the cohort of the sons of God to fight and overcome the snares of those who have put themselves at the service of Satan and who are battling to spread in the world the reign of evil, error, sin, hatred and impurity. My plan is to lead all creation back to its primal splendor, in such a way that the Heavenly Father may again be pleased to be reflected in it and to receive his greatest glory from all creation”. (8/12/95).


If we want to help Our Mother, we have to avoid sin and offer our life as a true homage to the Holy Trinity.

Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation gives us some more details about the nature of this war. Our Lady gives us an explanation that is important for us today.


“The Huge Red Dragon has the diabolical task of taking all humanity away from the dominion of God, from the glorification of the Most Holy Trinity, from the full actualization of the plan of the Father who, by means of the Son, has created it for his glory. The Lord has reclothed me with his light and Holy Spirit with his divine power, and thus I appear as a great sign in heaven, a Woman Clothed with the Sun, because I have the task of taking humanity away from the dominion of the huge Red Dragon and of bringing it all back to the perfect glorification of the Most Holy Trinity”. (14/5/89).

In other words it is practically the same message as Jesus, when He stated to preach: “This is the time of fulfillment. The reign of God is at hand! Reform your lives and believe in the Gospel.” Jesus speaks about the Kingdom of God that is already present in the world and in us.


A Victory of Souls offered to God


Our Mother gives us many messages where Our Lady herself interprets for us -for our days- the book of Revelation. While reading these messages, probably we are tempted to consider only their eschatological elements. I am sure that our Mother does not intend to give us just a biblical interpretation. At times She interprets these passages, but at times she uses them to speak to us about our present needs. A duty of a priest consecrated to the Blessed Mother is to help the faithful to open their eyes and to understand the situation in which the World and the church are today. At the same time She is suggesting remedies that we need: “For this I have formed for myself the army of my littlest children, in every part of the world, and I am asking of them that they consecrate themselves to my Immaculate Heart. Thus I am leading them to live only for the glory of God, by means of faith and charity, and I myself am jealously cultivating them in my heavenly garden.” (14/5/89).


I would like to emphasize that here we go back to the Book of Genesis, where Satan has snatched man from the heart of God. At that time God had seen with satisfaction the future work of the “New Eve’. Lets hear the continuation of the same message. It’s the “New Eve” speaking: Then each day I present myself before the throne of my Lord in an act of profound adoration; I open the golden door of my Immaculate Heart; and I offer in my arms all these little children of mine, as I say ‘Most Holy Divine Trinity, at the moment when You are being universally denied, I present to You the homage of my motherly reparation, by means of all these little ones of mine whom I am forming each day to your greater glorification.”


Every day and every moment of our life we can become, “beloved children” of the Mother, as well as “beloved children” of the Father. When we celebrate the Eucharist we can unite ourselves to Our Lady who was standing at the foot of the Cross, and who is now at the foot of every Altar, as She offers Her Son and Her sons to the Father. How beautiful it is for us to know that we are part of this love offered to God, like little children prepared by the humble Virgin Mother.


This is the Victory of our mother that takes place in each one of us. Father Gobbi was in Fatima the 13, October 1977, the anniversary of the miracle of the Sun. On that day our Blessed Mother said: “The greatest victory of my motherly and Immaculate Heart will be to cause Jesus to shine in the souls of all my children. Some of those present in this place today are thinking: “What a great marvel it would be if the miracle of the sun were to be repeated!” But every day I repeat it for each one of you; when I lead you along the pathway of my Son, when I help you to be healed of sin, when I lead you to prayer, and when I form you to holiness it is the light of this sun that I cause to shine ever more brightly in your souls and your lives; the sun of my Son Jesus.”


From these words I have the courage to conclude that we have to be careful about the meaning we give to the Victory of Mary.


Victory if we stay faithful in suffering.


In chapter 12 of Revelation we read: “Then the dragon was angry with the woman, and went off to make war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandment of God and bear testimony to Jesus.”

Satan battles against those who are consecrated to the Immaculate heart of Mary because She guides them to “observe the commandments of God and give witness to Jesus”, our only Savior. It is a war that He fights in many fronts, causing Martyrdom, as we have seen especially in the last 100 years; causing many kinds of persecution either on the part of the Atheistic or Masonic governments, or, at times, on the part of our fellow priests. But let us not forget that there is another persecution from which no one will be excluded: the ruthless temptations of Satan in all fields. He always attacks especially the priests who are faithful to our Blessed Mother: for example, presumption, desire for career, and against purity. This is why the Blessed Virgin tells us, quite frequently, that our testimony is above all in suffering. At times this is a big test.


“This victory will be obtained through the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world, and I will achieve this victory through the priests of my Movement. Do not look for any other prodigies in the heaven; this will be the only prodigy! For this reason, prepare yourselves in prayer, in suffering and in complete trust in me.

By your prayer, your suffering and your personal immolation, I will bring my plan to completion. I will hasten the time of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the reign of Jesus, who will come to you in glory.”


Why do we call Victory also suffering? We find the answer in the life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, in the Triumph of His Cross and in his Resurrection. This is what He tells us: “Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Jesus talks about rest, about a sweet yoke, and a light burden. Many times, when I was suffering, I asked Jesus what these words meant. One day, during my Holy Hour, I said to Him: “Jesus, you said to us that if we want to be your disciples, we have to take up our Cross and follow you. Thy will be done on this cross of mine. But, remember that you also said to us to come to you, when we are overwhelmed, because you will help us. So, give even to me a little rest and make this weight a little lighter.”


I assure you that at the end of my Holy Hour I felt no more the weight I had before. The problem was still there, but I felt in my heart the sweetness of Jesus himself that eliminated every bitterness. I call this a true victory of Jesus on our crosses that we accept with faith, by living together with him. It is an anticipation – in faith- of our future resurrection.


Conclusion: Our Victory


The following verse of Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation describes the song of the blessed ones in Heaven, after the victory of St. Michael and his angels on the Dragon: “Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God. And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death. Rejoice then, O heaven and you that dwell therein!” (Rev.12:10-12).


Their fidelity to God in the middle of ordeal, temptation and martyrdom was their big victory that will last for all eternity. In fact, they stayed faithful to God until their death. We too, like Abraham, who was ready to sacrifice his son out of obedience to God, should let God win in us, “by means of the Blood of the Lamb”. In Heaven He will give us the glory of victory for all eternity. We should be reminded that this martyrdom for many of us is bloodless.


At Fatima the Blessed Mother has promised: “And in the end My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.” She herself is working towards this goal with those consecrated to her Immaculate Heart and in particular with the members of MMP. She wants that each one of us attain his victory, so that one day, we too will be able to sing the victorious hymn of the Blessed ones, as described in the Book of Revelation. Consequently, we just have to persevere and help Our Blessed Mother, who, in turn is helping us to obtain our Victory.


I conclude quoting the message of October 7, 1995:
“I am the Queen of Victories. The task which has been entrusted to me by the Most Holy Trinity is that of directing the battle and leading to victory the cohort of the children of God who are fighting against the powerful army of the slaves of Satan and of the spirits of evil. I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and her offspring; she will crush your head, and you will lie in wait for her heel. (Gen. 3,15).
Each day I am carrying forward this struggle and attaining my victory”.


“Above all be on the watch because today there are many false Christs and false prophets, who are seducing many souls and bringing them to perdition.” (1/3/80).


Today, these words so grave of Our Blessed Mother, are more true than ever. She tells us again: “If the task of Masonry is to lead souls to perdition, bringing them to the worship of false divinities, the task of ecclesiastical Masonry on the other hand is that of destroying Christ and his Church, building a new idol, namely a false Christ and a false church. (13/6/89)

Only four days later, our Mother will repeat the same thing: “In this period of history, Freemasonry, assisted by its ecclesiastical form, will succeed in its great design: that of setting up an idol to put in the place of Christ and of his Church.” God the Father has established Jesus, Lord of Heaven and earth. He is our only Savior. Only He is the “Way, the Truth and the Life”. – He tells us – “No one comes to the Father but through me.” (Jn. 14, 6-7).


A new Labyrinth


Even many Catholics today no longer believe in the divinity of Jesus, in his Resurrection and in the Gospel. Above all, the children and the youth are no longer taught Catholic Doctrine. Even the adults, unfortunately, are nurtured in all levels of politics, economy, of entertainment and means of social communication, by a propaganda against Christ and his Church, orchestrated by the adorers of Satan. Even the good are confused or even lost as in a true labyrinth of new and esoteric religions of our times. Greek mythology narrates that every year the King would throw in the Labyrinth seven Athenians, where the monster “Minotaur” lived. No one ever returned alive. Not until the Princess, moved by compassion, gave Theseus a skein of gold thread. Theseus tied the thread to a rock at the entrance of the Labyrinth. After having killed the monster, following the gold thread, he managed to find his way out.


Our Lady is the true Queen — Mother who has compassion on all her children, and wants to save them. To be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, is like receiving that thread of gold which takes him to his salvation, in other words, to our Lord Jesus Christ.


She says: “As your Mother, I was the means chosen by Jesus that through me all of you may reach Him. I am truly the Mediatrix of Grace between you and my Son Jesus. I am ever carrying out this duty of mine. However I can carry it out fully only in the case of those children who entrust themselves to me with a perfect abandonment. I am the way which leads you to Jesus. I am the safest and the shortest way, the necessary way for each one of you. If you refuse to go along this way, you run the danger of being lost in the course of your journey. Today, many have wished to put me aside, considering me an obstacle in reaching Jesus, because they have not understood my function as Mediatrix, between you and my Son. And so, never before as in these present times, are so many of my children running the risk of not being able to reach Him. The Jesus whom they meet is often only the result of their human research and corresponds to their aspirations and desires; he is a Jesus formed according to their measure: he is not Jesus, the Christ, the true Son of God and of your Immaculate Mother.” (16/7/80).


In many countries where we come from, people are building a true pagan religion. To reach this, they must first of all destroy the divinity of Christ and therefore the Catholic Church, the “Da Vinci Code” is only one example.
In Quebec, for example, elementary school teachers must use school books, where children are initiated to various religions. They have even taken away from the parents the right of keeping them out of those classes. A nine years old child, during his grandfather’s funeral, said to his parents that he wanted to become a Buddhist, because, after death, he could be reincarnated. To preschool children, it is taught how to make Buddha’s puppets. When they speak of marriage, they put on the same level what they call: “the two alternatives”, Marriage between a man and a woman or the gay marriage. I will stop here, because the list – as everyone knows – , would never end.


Our Lady comes to our aid

First of all she reminds us that we live in a time predicted by Sacred Scripture. Our world has become almost a labyrinth of confusion, of errors, of falsehood and of darkness. She tells us that we must be careful, because these are bad times: “You are now living in obscure times because in all kinds of ways an attempt is being made to reach a compromise between God and Satan, between good and evil, between the spirit of Jesus and the spirit of the world. Many are running the danger of becoming victims of this general confusion, and even in my Church a false spirit, which is not that of Jesus the Son of God, is seeking to spread itself about. Like a cloud of invisible poison gas, a spirit which jumbles the things of God with those of the world is expanding and succeeding in depriving the word of God of its vigor and in despoiling the announcement of the Gospel of its force.” (8/12/82)


On the 8th of Dec. 1980 our Mother teaches us how to remain in the true Faith. “Beloved Sons, I gather you all today under my immaculate mantle. It is the shield with which I cover you, to shelter you from every attack in the great battle to which I call you. You must gird yourselves once again with this powerful shield, which I give you for your defense, and your salvation… The weapon, which I give you to fight with, is the chain which joins you to my heart: the holy Rosary. Beloved sons, recite it often, because it is only with your priestly prayer, gathered into my Immaculate Heart that I will be able, in these times, to move – to force so to speak – the great mercy of the Lord to manifest itself. At the hour when all will seem lost, all will be saved through the merciful love of the Father, which will be made visible through the greatest manifestation of the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus.


Importance of the messages:


On May 13th, 1996, our Mother tells us: “ I come down from heaven to point out to you the way along which you must journey, the sure road which leads you to accept all the truth contained in the Gospel of my Son Jesus. Along this road, pointed out by me, you are drawn by the splendor of the truth and become profoundly transformed by grace, which brings into your life all the divine fragrance of sanctity”.


The Messages are the true thread of gold, which help us to escape from the labyrinth of the world today. It is all part of the devotion and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is necessary today to save us and to remain in the true faith and to grow in our spiritual life.


For this reason, I find it necessary that we know well our book. We should study the introduction written by Father Stefano Gobbi. He writes: “ Meditation on the contents of the book often brings about a true transformation in souls. It helps one to live the spirit of the consecration and sometimes gives priests the impression that it has responded to their particular needs. It encourages them to overcome difficult circumstances, and leads them gradually to do everything with Mary, by means of Mary and in Mary.”


In another paragraph, when he speaks of the faithful, he writes: “Our Lady asks of the faithful also, who belong to the Movement, a daily commitment to conversion along the road of prayer and penance. For this, as an attentive and concerned Mother, she helps them to flee from sin, to live in the grace of God, invites them to frequent confession, to an intense Eucharistic life, to always observe the law of God, with a particular commitment to live the virtue of purity especially on the part of young people and those who are engaged to marry, and conjugal chastity within the Sacrament of Matrimony, according to the doctrine of Christ, recently reaffirmed by the Magisterium of the Church.”
Then, regarding the book, Don Stefano concludes: “One should reread it, meditating upon it calmly and lovingly. And then move on to verify it in his daily life, experiencing in a personal way what Our Lady is asking and promising.”
All this is necessary, in order to take part in the victorious “cohort of Our Lady, exactly when the war continues, and while Satan seems to be the uncontested winner. Even if the City of God is surrounded by the enemy, we are comforted by the words of Jesus, who said to Peter, and so to all Christians till the end of time, that “the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.”


I find it very significant that from the beginning, God has announced that the Serpent will be beaten by the “Woman” and by her “offspring”: the war is made by both; but the final blow will be given by Her Son.


The example of St. Joan of Arc


For the universal Church, it has always happened, through the presence of Our Lady, that which happened to France during the time of St. Joan of Arc. At that time, France was occupied by the enemy and was without a King. The Dolphin Charles VII was not yet crowned. By now every one feared total defeat, as soon as Orleans, surrounded by the enemy, would be conquered. Joan of Arc was only seventeen years of age, when she heard “the voices” of St. Michael, St. Catherine and St. Margaret. They told her that she must put herself in command of an army, and remove the siege of Orleans. Before the battle, the Saint wanted to go to the soldiers to Confession: she forbade them to swear and asked that everyone invoke the King of Heaven for victory. Even though her army was much inferior in number, in only thirteen hours she conquered all seven enemy fortresses and took away the siege on the city. After this victory the Dolphin was crowned King of France and his reign grew ever stronger.


God the Father has constituted his Son Lord and King of Heaven and earth. Today, however, his Reign, the Church, is surrounded by the enemy. In fact, it is under siege. Our Lady tells us plainly. “Satan has succeeded in establishing his reign in the world and he already feels that he is the sure victor” (29.9/86)
“The world is set in the hands of the evil one.” (28/8/94).


Almost all the peoples are under the dominion of Satan. Then, once again, God sends a “liberator”. God sends the young Virgin, to break the siege, to liberate his City and win against the enemy. The Virgin that God himself sends is Mary. In fact She says “The Most Holy Trinity has entrusted to me the task of leading its army in the terrible struggle against Satan who, as ever is the most astute and ruthless enemy of God. (13/5/80).


The “voices” had told St. Joan of Arc that she needed an army. Our Lady, in these past 2000 years, has always used Her army. And now the King of Heaven has entrusted to Her the army… of “children”, who are her Beloved Sons. These children of hers consecrate themselves to her Immaculate Heart , they listen to her voice, expressed by the Sacred Scripture, by the Magisterium and by the messages that She herself gives them. She said: “I, the little handmaid of the Lord, shall place myself at the head of a great company of the humble to attack the stronghold manned by the proud) (cf.Lk.1:38)… Nothing will be able to stop me until my victory is complete in every detail.” (18/5/77). After the success of the visit of the Pope in France, the Cardinal Primate of Belgium said: “It struck me that waiting for the Pope in France there was still a people. Persons who went alone, not because someone had organized them. They are the poor, the little ones of the Gospel. The prayer of the poor is the Rosary.” (Card. Godfried Danneels).


The victory of Mary is Jesus’ victory


We are soldiers of the army of Mary. Many of us are not experts in war: neither do we feel that we are strong, courageous or intelligent. But who is a good soldier? Oh, in an army, what is the worst thing for a soldier? To be wounded? No, because he will receive a medal. To be killed? No, because he will be called a hero.
This is the worst thing that can befall a soldier: to be a deserter, a traitor, or to be unfaithful to his oath.
With sadness we observe that too many are leaving the Church, betray their Lord and abandon the Faith. Others have rebelled, just like the Angels of Lucifer.


In the book of the Apocalypse we read: “The heavens were opened, and as I looked on, a white horse appeared; its rider was called ‘the Faithful and True’: Justice is his standard in passing judgment and in waging war” (Ap.19.11).
He was victorious, because he was faithful to the will of the Father. Our Lady helps us also to be faithful to God, to His Word and to His Church. This is why She asks us to live our Consecration to her Immaculate Heart. We can define today’s battle, as “the battle of hearts”. Satan has managed to take our hearts away from God. The world and even our Catholic brothers and sisters adore many idols, such as: pleasure, money, materialism, power, impurity, pride and sin.


Our Mother tells us: “Jesus must reign above all in the hearts and in the souls of all. Because his is a royalty of grace, of holiness and of love. When Jesus reigns in the soul of a creature, it becomes transformed by a divine light, which renders it increasingly beautiful, luminous, holy and beloved of God. For this, my motherly task is that of driving away from the souls of my children every shadow of sin, any snare whatsoever of egoism, any predominance of the passions, in order to lead everyone along the road of great sanctity. Then Jesus will truly be able to establish his reign in your hearts and in your souls, and you will become the precious domain of his divine royalty.” (23/11/86)


In the same message our Mother describes the work that She does…especially through the MMP: “My motherly action is preparing, in this time of yours, the coming of the glorious reign of my Son, Jesus. My Immaculate Heart is the way which leads you to his reign. In fact, the triumph of my Immaculate Heart will coincide with the triumph of my Son Jesus, in his glorious reign of holiness and of grace, of love and of justice, of mercy and of peace, which will be established in the whole world.” In the following words that we quote from Pope Benedict XVI, it seems that the Holy Father summarizes, in a masterly way, as he alone can do, all the questions on the second coming of Christ, as described in many messages of our book:


“I think we too can say, together with the early Christians: “Come, Lord Jesus!” We do not of course desire the end of the world. Nevertheless, we do want this unjust world to end. We also want the world to be fundamentally changed; we want the beginning of a civilization of love, the arrival of a world of justice and peace, without violence, without hunger.
We want all this, yet how can it happen without Christ’s presence? Without Christ’s presence there will never be a truly just and renewed world. And even if we do so in a different way, we too can and must also say, completely and profoundly, with great urgency and amid the circumstances of our time: “Come, Lord Jesus! Come in your way, in the ways that you know. Come wherever there is injustice and violence. Come to the refugee camps, in Darfur, in North Kivu, in so many parts of the world. Come wherever drugs prevail. Come among those wealthy people who have forgotten you, who live for themselves alone. Come wherever you are unknown. Come in your way and renew today’s world. And come into our hearts, come and renew our lives, come into our hearts so that we ourselves may become the light of God, your presence.


In this way let us pray with St. Paul: Maranatha! “Come, Lord Jesus!” and let us pray that Christ may truly be present in our world today and renew it. (General Audience: Nov. 12, 2008).


Conclusion for both conferences of today: the Victory of Mary

I conclude, quoting a message of Our Blessed Mother, which summarizes in simple words, of how to live, even today, in the Heaven of her Immaculate Heart, by giving her the joy of bringing us to the feet of Her Son Jesus, present in the Eucharist. It is a victory that she accomplishes in secret in many souls.


I will quote only certain phrases: you should read this message in its entirety: “Son of my maternal predilection; do not let yourself be distracted by things and by human vicissitudes. I am arranging everything for you as your real Mother: the persons you are to meet, the circumstances in which you find yourself and what you are to do… A Priest, who consecrates himself to my Heart, draws upon himself this predilection on my part. Thus I speak to you and you can hear my voice. I lead you and you let yourselves be guided by me, with docility. Above all, I bring you gently, before the divine Person of my Son Jesus present, as in Heaven, in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. You acquire from me a taste for prayer… This is the army that I am preparing; this is the cohort of my priests that I am now gathering from all parts of the world… Therefore I say to you again: pay no attention to all the evil which is spreading more and more and flooding everywhere… Turn your gaze to me alone, and consider the great good which in silence, your Mother is accomplishing by drawing an ever increasingly number of priests – sons to her Heart. Close our eyes to everything else and open them only to this marvelous reality. (16/7/76).

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